It’s that time of year again when millions of people make resolutions to improve their health. After all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, all the stress, alcohol, and sugar can really take a toll on your skin. But with all the aspirations to become the new you, it can be difficult to know where to start. Our experts at Club West Med Spa have compiled a list of New Year’s resolutions you can make to level up your skin! Following these few simple habits can make your skin healthier and happier this year.

Are you struggling to find a skincare regimen that works for you? Contact us at Club West Med Spa in Midlothian, VA, today!

New Year, New Skin!–Healthy Habits to Boost Your Skin’s Glow

1. Wear SPF Everyday

The sun can do a number on your skin, making it look dull and dehydrated as well as increasing the likelihood of wrinkles and other signs of aging. That’s right, even in the winter, UV rays can reflect off of snow or enter your home through the windows. Adding an SPF product into your daily routine helps protect against environmental effects that would otherwise cause damage over time. And if you’re prone to breakouts or just want to avoid them altogether, moisturizers with SPF are especially helpful because they provide added protection against damaging UV rays while also helping keep pores clear by keeping oil production in check.

2. Increase Your Hydration

Your body needs water for everything from staying hydrated to digesting food properly — and if you’re dehydrated enough, not only will you feel tired, but it can make your skin look dull as well! The general rule is eight cups per day — but if you exercise regularly, then bump that amount up by one cup per hour spent exercising.

3. Wash Your Face Immediately After Exercising

Many people choose to exercise more for their new year’s goals, which is great! But if you’re on the go between workouts and errands, leaving the sweat to settle into your skin can lead to bacteria buildup and breakouts. Try to wash your face as soon as you can after breaking a sweat. Cool water will help close your pores and prevent bacteria from entering and making you break out. Use a gentle cleanser that’s free of harsh chemicals like alcohol or fragrance, and don’t scrub too hard, as this can cause micro-tears in the skin. If you’re in a pinch, carry some micellar water face wipes for a quick fix before you can do a full wash.

4. Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is important for skin health because it helps promote healthy cells and keep inflammation at bay. Inflammation can contribute to acne, rashes, and other related conditions like eczema or psoriasis—all of which can give your skin a bad appearance. Getting enough sleep will also help with stress management (if you’re stressed out, chances are higher that the stress hormone cortisol will be circulating in your body). When your body is under duress from lack of restful sleep or high cortisol levels, it’s less likely to produce collagen—the building block for strong bones and connective tissue—which contributes to weaker skin over time.

5. Take Care of Your Skin from the Inside Out

Eat foods that are good for your skin. The more you nourish your body from the inside, the better it will look on the outside. Take a look at our last blog post to read up on the delicious foods you should be eating for healthier skin!

Additionally, limiting alcohol intake will greatly help your skin. There’s a reason many people participate in Dry January: clear skin, improved sleep, reduced stress, better digestion, and overall more energy, to name a few. If you don’t want to cut it out completely, try limiting it to the weekends or special events. Your skin will thank you!

5. Try One of Our Signature Facials

There’s no better way to pamper yourself than with a facial! At Club West Med Spa, our facials are specially designed to target your skin’s specific needs and problem areas. Dealing with acne and hyperpigmentation? What about wrinkles and fine lines? No matter what your skin needs, our experts will provide a custom skin analysis and mixology to give you the best.

Get in Touch with Club West Med Spa

Club West Med Spa wants to help you be your best self this New Year! Just a few simple habits can make all the difference in your skin’s health. We hope these tips have inspired you to make some positive changes in the year ahead.

Contact Club West Med Spa in Midlothian, VA, to schedule your next appointment!